Enjoy a weekend devoted to this most basic of human needs taught by experts in their field. Rest is key to our well-being — body and soul. But many of us find rest — and it's close cousin, sleep — hard to come by.
"The experiential component is powerful - a weekend of relaxing and looking inward has long lasting effects." -2017 REST student Enjoy this luxurious weekend, 10hrs devoted to the art and science of rest taught by restorative yoga maven Anja Borgstom and the "near-perfect sleep guru" (Yoga Journal), Ann Dyer. Return home with a new attitude and a pocketful of new methods for finding the rest you need in the midst of your busy life.
Weekend Schedule
Friday 7-9pm Intro: Savasana Saturday 1:30-6:30pm Restorative Yoga/Yoga Nidra Sunday 12:45-3:45pm Yoga for Sleep Price: $195 early reg (7 days prior) $225 regular registration Includes:
"No one is wise by birth, for wisdom
results from one own’s efforts.” ~ Krishnamacharya
results from one own’s efforts.” ~ Krishnamacharya