"I thought the earth remembered me, she took me back so tenderly, arranging her dark skirts, her pockets full of lichens and seeds." ~ Mary Oliver from Sleeping in the Forest
"It is with pleasure and a sense of adventure that I bring writing-to-heal to Mountain Yoga on Saturday, September 17th. This is my first visit into that sacred space. Already I am inspired by discussions with Mountain Yoga teacher Nina Schnall. Her words serve as the best description for what our 3-hour journey will be, she writes: “John’s workshop will help us slow down to access that medicine of the natural world.” This mini-retreat says yes to slowing down and yes to making easy access to the natural world. We will weave together writing with your unique and innate creativity. We will explore this “medicine” via poetry, song and inspirational words drawn from yoga, spiritual traditions, and those who love the living earth. No prior experience with writing is necessary! " ~ John Fox
John Fox is the author of Poetic Medicine: The Healing Art of Poem -Making, (Tarcher/Putnam 1997). He has done national and international work with poetry-as-healer since 1982. He founded The Institute for Poetic Medicine in 2005. The Institute brings poetry-as-healer to marginalized populations.
YOGA OF WRITING QUARTERLY WORKSHOP SERIES: THE RITUAL OF PUTTING PEN TO PAPERNina Schnall, Artistic Director Yoga is not only physical postures, but a practice to help us transform our lives. In our Yoga of Writing series, we explore writing as a practice of liberation and transformation. Receive guidance to access your authentic voice, tell your story, and discover ways to bring your writing and yourself more fully alive.