in-person or zoom bliss studio 4268 broadway, oakland 7 days access to recording. All levels welcome. $40 EARLY REG | $50 WEEK OF In-person attendance limited — register to save your spot!
Join Baxter for a unique yoga practice tracing his personal evolution through more than 20 years of yoga.
This fun and informative afternoon of stories, insights and practices will trace Baxter's personal yoga journey for the past two decades. From his Iyengar-roots to the influential work of Krishnamacharya. His development of Yoga for Healthy Aging, the creation of Slow Motion Outer Space technique and the integration of Mudras.
This is a one-time only opportunity not to be missed. Offered both in-person and zoom. In-person attendance limited, so register to save your spot — it’s going to be a great ride!