victoria alara -alcoset
Victoria has worked as an ayurvedic practitioner, helping her clients to feel their best, for over a decade. She is registered with the National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA) and the Association of Ayurvedic Professionals of North America (AAPNA) and works under the supervision of Vd. Yashashree Mannur of Mt. Madonna College of Ayurveda. Victoria has helped clients with conditions as varying as acid reflux, chronic fatigue, eczema, fibromyalgia, hearing loss, insomnia, repetitive strain injury, pain & stiffness post-surgery, as well as uterine fibroids. Her area of specialization, however, is in helping clients who, after a life of good stamina and health, are experiencing general health issues related to the aging process. |
Ayurveda, sanskrit for "knowledge of life," addresses the well-being of the whole person by caring for the body and mind via diet, lifestyle practices, and treatments. Practiced over the last 4,000 years throughout South East Asia, ayurveda seeks to maintain a healthy balance in each individual throughout the changing seasons and various stages of one's life.
A hallmark of Ayurvedic procedures are oil therapies because "sneha is to the bodymind as love is to the soul." The body tissues soak up oils carrying deep into the cells the healing properties of the herbs. New! Ayurvedic Consultation The best place to start your relationship with ayurveda. Consultations are one-on-one sessions to determine: 1) your underlying imbalances thay may be causing ailments or impairing general health, and 2) how best to address imbalances through changes in lifestyle, diet herbal supplements and treatments. One-time consultations — or in some cases, a consultation series package —are recommended for maintenance of wellness or addressing health concerns. Ayurvedic Massage (Abhyanga) Abhyanga is the application of warmed oil to the entire body in gentle massage strokes to nourish the tissues, loosen toxins within the cells, and release tension through the loosening and lubricating of connective tissues. A series of customized daily abhyangas detoxifies the body as a thorough cleanse, resulting in stronger skin, sleeker fat, suppler muscles and a more flexible mind. Plain and herbal vegetable oils are chosen for the appropriate purposes of each session. Shirodara Treatment Is the continuous pouring of warm plain or herb-infused oil in a gentle, steady stream over the forehead and crown, lasting from 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the condition of the recipient, who may remain fully clothed. Shirodhara soothes frayed nerves and quiets excess activity in the mind by re-directing scattered physical and mental energies back to the correct course of normal functioning. The result is a nearly unshakable inner stillness and calm. Recommended for anxiety, insomnia or general de-stressing. Bliss Therapy A comprehensive treatment combing abhyanga and shirodara treatments. for ultimate benefits. |