In yogic anatomy our life force is thought to be centered in the belly. The greatest determinant of our physical well-being is the quality of our digestion, and our ability to skillfully direct our lives is rooted in the healthy balance of abdominal energies. In this five week session, just in time for the holidays, we will be working on asana and pranayama that strengthens, stokes and clarifies our energetic center.
Intermediate Practice Series are taught by MYoga Director Ann Dyer and are designed for experienced yoga practitioners who are interested in deepening their asana practice, as well as the role asana plays in the larger tradition of yoga, including the subtle practices of pranayama, chant, and meditation. Each 6-10 week Intermediate Series focuses on an area particularly challenging for beginners progressing into intermediate level practice.
Ann Dyer is the director of Mountain Yoga and a member of the faculty of the Piedmont Yoga Deep Yoga teacher training and Graduate programs. Ann's teaching includes attention to alignment established in her foundational training in Iyengar yoga as well as an appreciation of the energetic body cultivated through other schools of yoga, ayurveda, a degree in psychology and her extensive work in naada yoga, the yoga of sound.
intermediate series w/jin sung
$108 for 6 week session. No pro-rating for Missed Classes
intermediate series w/ann - dy discount
Must be currently enrolled in PYS Deep Yoga program
Intermediate w/jin sung - MYoga Faculty Discount
Must be a current member of the MYoga Faculty