The Intermediate Practice is a series taught by Richard Rosen and MYoga Director Ann Dyer designed for experienced yoga practitioners who are interested in deepening their asana practice, as well as the connection asana plays to the larger tradition of yoga, including the subtle practices of pranayama, chant, and meditation. Held weekly on Thursday mornings, each 4-10 week session focuses on an area particularly challenging for beginners progressing into intermediate level practice.
INTRO TO INVERSIONS with Richard Rosen, June 5-26
Inversions are dramatic. What is more quintessential than the imageo the yogi in janu sirsasana? While they present serious challenges for the uninitiated, they bring dramatic benefits on the structural, energetic and psychological levels when learned methodically with proper understanding. In this 4-week series Richard Rosen will lead you through the foundational actions required to perform inversions safely and effectively.
Class one: will set the stage for the subsequent three. Practice will include exercises for the groins, arms and shoulders, and partner- and prop-supported work that will build self-confidence.
Class two: will continue with preparatory work, including preliminary instruction in Forearm Balance (pincha mayurasana) and Shoulder Stand (sarvangasana).
Class three: will focus on Arm Balance (adho mukha vrkshasana) and beginning Head Stand (shirshasana), along with further instruction in Shoulder Stand variations, such as Plow (halasana).
Class four: will include a review of the previous three classes, along with additional practice of Head Stand and its simpler variations, such as its Revolved (parshva) version.
Students will be expected to practice class material regularly during the week following the class, and will be asked to turn in a log of their work, including date, exercises/asanas practiced, and length of practice. STUDENTS WHO DON'T PRACTICE REGULARLY WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO PRACTICE FULL HEAD STAND IN CLASS FOUR.
July 10-August 14 (6 wks): Theme TBA
Sept 4 - Oct 23 (8 wks) Theme TBA
Oct 30 - Nov 20 (4 wks) Theme TBA