What does it mean to be in the autumn of your life? This fall at Mountain Yoga we are owning, celebrating and bringing a fresh perspective to life's third season. Though we call it by many names — second half of life, "the third third", the "later years," our "second adulthood," retirement, seniordom or elderhood — we've yet to land on a term that's really comfortable. The ancient yogis called it, vanaprastha, the time of "the forest dweller," and honored it as a rich, generative stage of life with its own purpose and rewards. Loosely regarded as the period between our late 40s and late 70s, this is the time when kids may be grown, professions established, and our bodies are going thru oh-so-many changes. We take a "step back" — literally or metaphorically — from the worldly responsibilities prioritized in our earlier life toward more internal, personal concerns. We become incresaingly aware of our mortality, and the preciousness of our days. Contrary to what we've been led to believe, this time of life needn't be a steady decline, but rather a long stretch of road promising personal growth, purpose and perhaps, if we're lucky, even a little wisdom. Join us in an exploration of the assumptions, challenges — and yes, pleasures! — endemic to this long stretch of road, and how yoga is our perfect travel companion. Learn how yoga can help to put more years on your life and life in your years this fall with workshops, events, inspiration and resources on being a modern elder. |
YOGA FOR HEALTHY AGING SERIES Afternoon Workshops wth Dr. Baxter Bell Breaking the Aging Code thru Yoga SAT, SEPT 07 | 2-4PM Beyond 10K Steps: Four Key Movement Skills
SUN, SUN OCT 13 | 1:30-3:30PM The New Stress Management
SAT, NOV 16 | 2-4PM The Crucial Connection: Wellness + Community
SAT, DEC 07 | 2-4PM |
WORKSHOPS with Ann Dyer Cervantes
Dump the Hump: Yoga for Kyphosis
SAT, NOV 02 | 2-4PM |
Restorative Yoga + Sound Bath
FRI, NOV 22 | 6-7:15PMPM with Ann Dyer Cervantes Supported yoga followed by a luxurious immersion into soothing sounds |
Community Events
Annual Community Potluck Picnic |
Supportive, regenerating yoga classes for the third third, in-person or via zoom.
Podcast: Life + Yoga in the Age of the Forest Dweller
Baxter Bell chats about his years devoted to Y4HA and exciting developments in the works with host Kennan Rossi.
Blog: Old, But Not-Grown
Ann's monthly musings and recs to inspire us on and off the mat.